Weekly News
March 24-28
Our EIN# is 86-1001820 if you need it for your tax purposes. And while filing, don’t forget to make your tax credit donation to SEEF, Scholarships for Educational Excellence Foundation. You will get your donation back, dollar for dollar on your state income tax. We depend on your donation to support our Dobson Montessori kindergarten program. Please go to www.seefaz.org and make your donation now! Married couples can donate up to $2910 and single tax filters can donate up to $1459.
April 7-May 2 Parent teacher conferences! The Stanford scores are back and once again our students topped the test! Stop by the office this week to sign up for a convenient time to discuss your child’s progress. High School and Upper Division conferences are April 7-11.
Friday, April 4 April break, no school.
Friday, May 2 & Saturday, May 3 Romeo and Juliet 7:00 PM presented by our UD and HS students
May 6-10 High School Trip to Seattle
Monday, May 12 Mother’s Day Tea 2:00-3:00 Note: this date has changed due to the conflict with the HS trip.
Tuesday, May 20 High School Graduation 6:30 at the Guild of the Vale
Thursday, May 22 Last Day of School Water Play Day
Like to plan ahead? The Family Camping trip in the fall for 4th-12th grade students and parents will be held September 18-19!
We have a full summer planned of learning and enrichment for your student. Children who spend the summer months engaged with their screen actually lose progress made in the previous school year. It is important that students of all grade levels have exciting activities that incorporate problem solving, peer interaction, communication, reading, science, and math every day! Compared to other summer camps, our program offers the highest quality at the lowest cost. But our programs fill, so you must register early.
We kick off summer with a “Trees are Terrific” theme that combines art, science, reading, and math through hands on activities. Separate groups for older and younger students gear the themes to each student’s learning. For those entering 7th-12th grades, our Arcane Destiny workshop will keep teens engaged, thinking, and enjoying quality time with friends. Plus there are lots more activities; check out the attached brochure.
Sculpture, photography, and abstract impressionism will be experienced by our students as we wrap up this month’s in-depth study of Art. On Wednesday, students will go on a filed trip to the IDEA Museum to view the art exhibits and explore and create in the imagination room. But we desperately need drivers to make this trip possible! Please sign up in room 1 on Monday! We will leave school at 9:30 and return in time for lunch. In the classroom this week, we will paint like Pollock. Known for his drip, pour and splash painting technique, students will create theiro own action paintings. Students will use a real camera to photograph a subject of their choice in the style of Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. Maybe you will photograph a flower, a leaf, a friend, or a tree. We will use pipe cleaners to create three dimensional sculptures and use paint to make Andy Warhol inspired pop art flowers. All our students are such creative artists!
Our students of “Amphibians and Reptiles” will make snake books and finish their original stuffed snakes. Alligators and crocodiles are interesting reptiles; we will complete a compare and contrast exercise to learn the similarities and differences. Everyone will enjoy making their own magnet model to hang on the refrigerator! During our field trip on Thursday, students will encounter real crocodilians up close. The Herpetological Sanctuary requires all people to wear closed toed shoes, no open toe shoes or crocs allowed. Because we will need to eat an early lunch to accommodate the time of our tour, please pack an extra snack in Thursday’s lunch for your student to eat when we return to school. Also this week, students will make investigation logs and create Gecko key chains. You will want to make this your permanent key companion!
Our “Entomology” study looks at insect behavior. What is the role of the queen in colony insects such as bees and ants? We will play a game, “Protect the Queen” to see how the roles of workers insure the good of the colony. Students will make insect sculptures using a wire armature and Sculpey to create a 3-D model. We will decorate our windows with melted wax shaving butterflies and watch for real ones to visit our school gardens. On Tuesday, April 1st, students will go on a field trip to the Gilbert Riparian Center. They will enjoy three different workshops: Respect the Insect, Pollination, and Riparian Habitats, Life Along Rivers. We welcome parents to join us. Sign up in room 3.
Our investigation of “Science Lab and Famous Scientists” conclude with a molecular experiment. We will make Molecular Meringue and enjoy the final results for snack. On Tuesday, students depart for their spring study trip! We are proud of everyone for working together to raise the money for this class experience. The trip provides opportunities for these students to develop independence, self-confidence, team skills, leadership abilities, time management, money management and personal responsibility as well as learn about the world through enrichment experiences. We will stop for a tour of the Hoover Dam before arriving in Las Vegas where we will visit the Mob Museum, see the Cirque du Soliel show, “O”, explore Meow Wolf, enjoy the water park at Circus Circus, dine out, and make memories with friends. Arrive prior to 8:30 on Tuesday for prompt departure.
Students will take the mid-term exam for their college credit Contemporary Film course this week and continue to view important films. They are currently studying documentaries. We continue reading Demon Copperhead and working on math and physics. Our Shakespeare play this year is “Romeo and Juliet”. Students have auditioned and been awarded a part in the play. This week they will memorize lines in preparation for rehearsals.