**Super Summer 2025!**

Welcome to our 46th year of outstanding summer enrichment programs! Join us
for a week, or for a whole summer of learning and fun. Our classes are
academically based but offer a change of pace from the school year. Each program
is designed to intellectually challenge and socially enrich your child and is taught by
the experienced teachers of our regular Montessori classes. Enrollment is limited
and many classes fill quickly. We are looking forward to having you join us for a
summer of fantastic memories!

General Information:

Registration: You must register for all classes, as enrollment is limited and on a first
come first serve basis. Return the form from the back of this brochure to enroll
your student. Some classes fill early so do not be disappointed-enroll as soon as
possible as we do not overfill classes. You are accepting financial responsibility for
all classes selected and any required fees are non-refundable. If you are unsure of
your schedule, please contact the school to be placed on a waiting list for possible
available openings.

Student Information Form: A new emergency information form must be completed
for each student prior to beginning any summer class.

Tuition: Tuition is due prior to the start of the first-class session each week.
Tuitions paid after the start of Monday’s class must include a $5 late fee.
Late Fees: The Extension campus closes promptly at 5:45 PM. There is a $1 per
minute late fee charged for students picked up after closing time to partially
compensate the teachers. There is a $25 fee for returned checks and a $5 late fee
assessed for tuition paid after the start of class. Tuitions paid more than 7 days
late will incur a $25 per week late fee. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our
tuitions reasonable by being timely with tuition.

Extended Day: It is required that summer students be signed in and out each day.
For the safety of all, please do not drop students in the parking lot. During the
summer months, we do not have a staff member in the parking lot as our students
arrive at a variety of times. SORRY, THERE IS NO HOURLY RATE FOR EXTENDED
DAY AVAILABLE DURING THE SUMMER. Students arriving before 8:45 or picked
up after 3:15 will be charged the weekly extended day rate.

Lunches: Students bring a lunch from home. It is recommended that parents use a
“Blue Ice” or similar product, as we do not have space to put lunch boxes in the
refrigerator. Teachers will also heat lunch items in a microwave for students. There
is no hot lunch or pizza during the summer.

Which Class? Students who will be entering kindergarten through 7 th grade may enroll
in the elementary program. There will be different classes for younger and older
students with age and ability geared curriculum based on the bi-weekly theme.
Students entering 7 th -12 th grades may join the upper division/high school workshops.
Please see Suzanne if you are unsure of the proper placement for your child.
Location: K-12 th grade classes meet at 745 S. Extension, Mesa, AZ 85210

Elementary Workshops

For K-6th grade students
$210 weekly 9:00-3:00
$245 weekly extended day 6:30-5:45

Each week includes Montessori academics, sports, computers, math, animals,
reading club, art, video games, movies, drama, cultural studies, science,
cooking, and socialization integrated into our workshop theme!!! Students may
enroll for one week of a multi-week course on a space available basis. No
partial week enrollment is available to maintain curriculum continuity. Students
entering kindergarten and first grade participate in a readiness curriculum
designed to give them a step up in the fall through phonics, reading, and math
activities in addition to their workshop programs. Students will be grouped into
primary and intermediate levels.

May 27-30, June 2-6

Take a look around and be amazed…trees and their products are everywhere!
Learn about photosynthesis, transpiration, kinds of forests, and leaf classification.
Make edible leaf layers, create your own paper, count tree rings, grow a tree from
a sprout, make seed mosaics, eat a feast of foods from trees, create tree nut
animals, and become a tree hugger. Using wood from renewable sources, learn to
use tools to do woodworking and create projects to enhance your room!

June 9-13, 16-20

Use strategies, thinking skills, and problem solving to play games and unlock clues
with your friends. Build your own board game, learn to play chess, work with your
team to complete the electric spiderweb, engineer a tower, cross the acid river, go
on a scavenger hunt, and more. This workshop builds communication skills, team and
leadership skills, creative thinking, and engineering abilities. (No school Thursday,
June 19th Juneteenth)

June 23-27, June 30-July 4

Join our Hawaiian luau and learn about Polynesian culture. We’ll make Ti leaf
costumes, dance the hula, create a box harp to play, erupt a volcano, learn to play
the ukulele, meet the Nene bird, and travel to a Hawaiian feast in an outrigger
canoe. Everyone will enjoy pineapple upside down cake. This workshop includes a
field trip to the pool to practice our snorkeling! (No class July 4)

July 7-11, 14-18

Investigate bison, wolves, polar bears, and moose. Learn about hedgehogs, salmon,
eagles, and armadillos! Create a painting of your favorite animal, dissect an owl
pellet to see what it ate, and read fiction and non-fiction stories about these
amazing animals. Make a grizzly bear your friend as we create furry bear pets and
make a habitat for imaginative play!

July 21-25, July 28-August 1

Travel the world! Cook up delicious foods and make crafts from around the globe.
Make French Cream Puffs, Asian Egg Rolls, Italian Pasta Primavera, Mango Lassi
from India, Empanadas from Argentina, Pad Thai from Thailand and many more
delicious taste treats. Make Huichol yarn art from Mexico, elephant block printing
from Thailand, African mask sculptures, Australian dot art, Indonesian stick
puppets and more. Enjoy a field trip to a local international market!

August 4-8, 11-15
We are camping in the classroom! We’ll set up a tent and sing around
the cloth “campfire”. Learn to cook apple cobbler, make fire using flint
and steel, carve an animal fetish, make pinecone crafts, make a knotted
friendship bracelet, and create a basket using natural twigs and
grasses. We will even bake cookies using the power of the sun! Tell
scary stories in the tent with twinkly star lights and use maps to plot
an indoor hike. Everyone loves camping!

August 18-22

Say goodbye to summer with a week of movies, cooking, drama, art, games, prizes,
imaginative play, songs, and more. Make fruit smoothies and flavored popcorn. Do
the limbo and play “Pass the Orange”. Field trip to swim with your friends. School
starts next week!

Upper Division &
High School Workshops

For 7 th –12 th grade students
$210 weekly 9:00-3:00
$245 weekly extended day 6:30-5:45

June 16-20, June 23-27, June 30-July 4, July 7-11


For years, Castle Blackstone has defended Ardesia from evil. But now, a new threat
looms from across the Narrow Sea. Discover a menagerie of new creatures, master
the art of potion making, and brace yourself for an exciting new adventure! Will
you have what it takes to face the Ryders? Will you have the strength to grapple
with the power of the prism stone? This year offers an exciting adventure for
seasoned players and newcomers alike! See you there!
Sign up for the whole adventure or only a week or two. Our annual Fantasy Role
Playing adventure creates memories for years to come. Develop problem solving
skills, communication abilities, team skills, and have adventures with friends new
and old. Mixes imagination, art, science, cooking, and mental challenge in a game of
strategy. Fun for all! Join for the whole journey or just a week or two. (No class
June 19 and July 4)

July 14-18

Everyone’s favorite summer workshop! Each day features two
educational and fun-filled activities! We’re going to museums, skating,
bowling, fencing, playing billiards, to the movies, checking out exhibits,
competing in a scavenger hunt at the mall, swimming, and more! Expand your
horizons, learn about history, science, art, and culture! All your friends will be
there so don’t miss out. This workshop always fills quickly. Join your host, Trevor;
we’ll see you around town!

Registration for Super Summer 2025


Please check the sessions your child will attend. Tuition is due prior to the start of each class. You agree to financial responsibility for all classes indicated. Classes fill so register early. You may register for one week of a multi-week session on a space available basis, but there are no partial week options. Students attending less than a full week or who are absent pay the full week’s tuition, as we cannot take another student in your child’s place. You will not receive confirmation of classes but will be notified by phone if the class you selected is full. Please copy this form for your records and call if you have questions. It is our goal to offer the most outstanding summer programs for all our students and we are looking forward to having YOU join us for a great summer!


Student _____________________________________Hm Phone ___________________

Address ____________________________________­­­­­­ City _______AZ   Zip ________

Birth date _______________________ Age _____________ Grade in fall __________

Parent name _____________________________ Cell Phone _______________________

Email __________________________________________________________________


Please check the class weeks your child will attend:


K-6th grade


 Ex. Day

 May 26-30

 June 2-6

 June 9-13

 June 16-20

 June 23-27

 June 30-July 4

 July 7-11

 July 14-18

 July 21-25

 July 28-Aug. 1

 August 4-8

 August 11-15


$210 weekly            

$245 extended day



  Upper Division & High School


 Ex. Day

   June 16-20

   June 23-27

   June 30-July 4

   July 7-11

   July 14-18

   August 18-22


 Please attach a check in the amount of one week’s

tuition to confirm enrollment. This non-refundable

deposit will be applied to your final week of attendance.

Amount attached: $ _________ Check # ________

You may also pay using Venmo @DobsonMontessori or ESA funds



Student/Parent Information Form


Student name:______________________________________________

Birthdate: ______________________Age:______Grade in fall ______



Mother’s Name: ____________________________________________


Daytime Phone:___________________ Cell Phone:_________________

Email: ____________________________________________________


Father’s Name: ____________________________________________


Daytime Phone:___________________ Cell Phone:_________________

Email: ____________________________________________________

Marital status of parents: ____________________________________


Emergency Information.  In case a parent cannot be reached, please contact:

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________


Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________


Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________


In addition to the people above, who else is authorized to pick up your student?

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________

Previous school attended: ____________________________________


Immunization records up to date and on record with previous school?

Y or N

Any special health or physical problems? Allergies? Please explain.









Has your child ever experienced any learning difficulties or behavioral issues? Please explain.






Any other information you feel may be helpful to our teachers in making this a positive and great experience for your child?






Does your child know how to swim? Y or N

Have they attended swim lessons? Y or N


RULES, RULES, RULES In order to offer the highest quality programs at a reasonable cost, we ask that you observe the following rules for parents. Thank you for your help! I give permission for my child to attend all field trips that may be part of the summer workshop programs. I give permission to Dobson Montessori or the press to use my child’s photo in news stories or publicity. I understand tuition is due prior to the start of class and that the extended day program is available from 6:30 AM to 5:45 PM. School closes promptly at 5:45. There is a $1 per minute late fee for students left after this time. Please make arrangements for someone else to be on call in the event you are detained. Students enrolled provide lunch from home. Parents agree to provide medical costs for any injury sustained due to normal childhood play.  All fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


Parent signature: ___________________________________________

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